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Move baby, move

December 12, 2010

About 2 1/2 months ago I asked my nephew what he wanted for his 15th birthday, to which he replied with a few items, one which was a “Move”. Insightful as I am, I responded with a “Huh?”.

He clarified it to “Playstation Move” – which I had never heard of at that time, but I do not really follow what is happening in the console market, even though casa Sente actually has a Playstation 3. It is mainly used to play Blu-ray discs.

I bought him a Move starter pack and an extra Move controller for his birthday. This was all good and happiness, until they actually tried it. My newphew does not use a regular TV screen for gaming, but instead a projector. This apparently caused problems for the camera included with the Move and the controller did not work. So unfortunately that did not work out.

Recently we had a Christmas party with the company I work for, or rather the Swedish offices. One of the events that had been arranged there was a video game competion, but all games and consoles were using various movement controllers – Wii board, Playstation Move, XBox Kinect etc. Quite good fun actually!

So I ended up also buying a Playstation Move for the household PS3… Picked up Sports Champions as a first game for this. Lots of fun, and almost a bit of wreckage in the living room – obviously need to keep an eye on the surroundings and have lots of space around 🙂

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